3 Day Push/Pull/Legs Dumbbell Workout

If you’re new to the website and are browsing our collection of dumbbell workouts, this is likely the easiest you’ll find and most suitable for a beginner.

The push, pull, legs split when done in a 3 day per week fashion allows you to target different muscle groups once per week. This allows you to train with higher volume but lower frequency. The higher volume stimulates the muscles in a way to signal muscle growth and the low frequency allows for your muscles to have a full week to recover from each workout.

There’s some camps that believe that if you are training just 3 days per week, you should focus on full body workouts or even a workout breakdown that allows you to target each muscle at least twice in a week.

I have a different philosophy. Do whatever will allow you to develop good weekly habits and mold your schedule in a way that will allow you to consistently workout week after week for most of your lifetime. This is what will promote longevity and overall healthiness.

Push/Pull/Legs splits divide your workouts exactly how it sounds. On one of your workout days, all of the exercises will utilize your pull muscles. Traditionally, this will be the pull muscles of the upper body such as your back, rear delts, and biceps.

Push days will focus on the push muscles of your upper body. These workouts will target your chest, triceps and shoulders.

Leg days are spent training your legs – quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes and calves.

The following breakdown of the weekly routine will give you a template of what this would look like on a weekly basis and the workout run-down at the end of the article should tell you all you need to know about the workout.

If you have any additional questions after reading both, please leave a comment so that we can answer them and also potentially add it to the article for others who may read it in the future.

3 Day Push/Pull/Legs Dumbbell Workout Weekly Routine

  • Monday: Dumbbell Push Workout
  • Tuesday: Rest/cardio/mobility
  • Wednesday: Dumbbell Pull Workout
  • Thursday: Rest/cardio/mobility
  • Friday: Dumbbell Leg Workout
  • Weekends: Rest/cardio/mobility

Monday: Dumbbell Push Workout

Dumbbell Floor Press36
Dumbbell Floor Fly312
Dumbbell Shoulder Press36
Dumbbell Arnold Press312
Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Extension315

Wednesday: Dumbbell Pull Workout

Dumbbell Row36
One Arm Dumbbell Row312
Dumbbell High Row312
Dumbbell Rear Delt Raise315
Dumbbell Curl315

Friday: Dumbbell Leg Workout

Dumbbell Squat36
Dumbbell Lunge312 Each
Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift36
Single Leg Dumbbell Deadlift312 Each
Dumbbell Calf Raise325

Final Thoughts on 3 Day Dumbbell Push/Pull/Legs Workouts

The workout template above can be used for anywhere between 6 to 12 weeks. This allows your body enough time to adapt to the stimulus and grow. Throughout the duration of using the workouts, your goal should be to make the workouts more challenging by increasing the weight you use for each exercise.

If after the duration, you are still seeing progress or are enjoying the workout, by all means keep utilizing it.

Rest in between your sets should be between 1 and 2 minutes. For sets with lower rep counts, aim to rest closer to the full 2 minutes. For sets that have higher rep counts, keep rest shorter and closer to 1 minute.

The way the workout template is written, it is recommended that you perform all of the sets of an exercise prior to moving onto the next exercise. It is not written in a way that is conducive to circuit training.

This workout routine is simply a template. If there are bodyweight exercises you’d like to incorporate or some other equipment you have that you’d like to utilize you are more than welcome to do so. This can be accomplished by either adding the exercise into the appropriate workout day or substituting it with another workout already listed for that day.

If you have any additional questions about the 3 day push/pull/legs dumbbell workout plan, please leave them in the comments section below and we’ll be sure to answer it.