Empowering Your Fitness Journey

Our mission is to provide you with free fitness articles to help you achieve a level of fitness that will change your life. Pass it along. Together, let’s leave a legacy of muscle.

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Hi, I’m Josh. Owner and operator of Legacy Muscle. I’ve built a lifetime of memories through fitness and I want to share my knowledge with you so you can experience the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

For me, it all started in the late 90s. Images of Goku, Vegeta, and other Super Sayians filled my square television after school. Meanwhile, the likes of The Rock, Triple H, Kane and WWE Pro-Wrestlers helped me fight off bedtime long enough to determine that my life was headed down a road of pumping iron and pounding pavement.

In middle school, I signed up for weightlifting and I was on my way.

By the time I started high school my bookbag was loaded with Muscle & Fitness magazines and the center console of my car was overflowing with empty protein bar wrappers.

Sure, college lifestyle got the better of me, but any time I needed to recenter myself, the gym was there to help me do it.

Since, I’ve grown a career in content development and content management in the fitness industry. Along the way I became a certified personal trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. And I’ve maintained my credentials by earning specializations in Fitness Nutrition, Womens Fitness, Behavior Change, and Group Personal Training.

And now, I’m in the next phase of raising a family. Leaving a legacy.

A legacy of muscle.

A legacy I hope will be intertwined with your story and your legacy.

That’s why you’re here afterall.

So, browse the website. Use what is useful. Reject what is not.

But most of all, remember that you are someone that others are looking up to.

And in a world of declining health, I hope you’ll utilize my website to leave your own–
