3 Day Total-Body Dumbbell Only Workout

The dumbbell is arguably one of the most accessible pieces of equipment. Most people have at least one pair of dumbbells collecting dust in their garage or storage closet.

They might not be as dusty in a post-2020 world. However, if you’ve lost your motivation from performing your last dumbbell only workout routine or simply are in need of one, this 3 day total body dumbbell workout is just what you need.

The workout routine has 3 total body workouts. Total body, or full body workouts, are great for all experience levels. Hitting muscle groups with the frequency allowed by full body training elicits a pretty optimal environment for the body to build muscle and burn fat.

The workouts consist of mostly compound exercises. This means they work multiple muscle groups at the same time when performing the lift. Each day also has a pair of arm exercises to help those looking to build a nice set of bicep and triceps.

This workout is best when performed in a 1 day on 1 day off fashion. So, for those looking for a weekly breakdown, it would look something like this:

3 Day Total Body Dumbbell Workout Weekly Split

  • Monday: Day 1 – Total Body Dumbbell Workout
  • Tuesday: Rest Day – feel free to perform cardio as desired.
  • Wednesday: Day 2 – Total Body Dumbbell Workout
  • Thursday: Rest Day – feel free to perform cardio as desired.
  • Friday: Day 3 – Total Body Dumbbell Workout
  • Weekends: – Rest Days – feel free to perform cardio as desired.

Day 1: Total Body Dumbbell Workout

Dumbbell Squat310
Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift310
Dumbbell Shoulder Press310
Dumbbell Row310
Dumbbell Floor Press310
Dumbbell Hammer Curl310

Day 2: Total Body Dumbbell Workout

Dumbbell Deadlift310
Dumbbell Goblet Squat310
Dumbbell Renegade Row310 Each
Dumbbell Lateral Raise310
Dumbbell Rear Delt Raise310
Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Extension310

Day 3: Total Body Dumbbell Workout

Dumbbell Lunge310 Each
Dumbbell Lateral Lunge310 Each
Dumbbell Glute Bridge310
Dumbbell Floor Fly310
Dumbbell Row310
Dumbbell Calf Raise310

Final Thoughts on the 3 Day Total Body Dumbbell Workout

The 3 day workout can be performed for 4-6 weeks, or longer depending on your goals and how you are progressing with the workouts.

When trying to make progress with any workout routine, you’ll want to achieve progressive overload by increasing the reps, sets or weight used as the weeks go by. For an easy way to make progress with this routine, increase the weight you are using.

If you are unable to increase the weight you are using, increase the reps you perform for each set. You can go as high as 25 reps. After 25 reps, it is recommended to add additional sets.

Between each set and exercise, rest for 60 seconds.

Remember, these workouts are simply templates and should be modified based on your individual likes, dislikes, physical capabilities, and goals.

If you have any questions about this workout, dumbbell workouts, or how to split up your workouts, please leave a comment below!