3 Day Glute Focused Workout Split

Having nice glutes is a goal for a lot of men and women.

The glutes are one of the strongest and most stable muscle groups of the body.

And having strong glutes is a sign of health and vitality.

However, not many splits are conducive to building the glutes.

In fact, they often opt for “best-bang-for-your-buck” compound movements, and whatever isolation lifts that are thrown in will target the arms, shoulders, or abs.

That’s all fine, but for those seeking great glute development, you’ll want to ensure that your isolation lifts target your glutes. Not to mention, you’ll want to pick compound lifts where your glutes and hamstrings are the primary movers.

So, in this example workout routine, we will do just that.

Glute Focused 3 Day Split

The following workout routine is a 3 day routine that focuses on building your glutes.

This split is not meant to be prescriptive and should be used as a template to guide how your customize your own training to fit your specific needs and goals.

The general recommendation here will be to begin with a full body workout split as your base. And for your accessory lifts, pick exercises that really focus on building the gluteus maximus glute medius, glute minimus, and adductors.

Glute Focused Full Body Workout 1

ExerciseSet RangeRep Range
Romanian Deadlifts46-8
Dumbbell Sumo Goblet Squat48-12
Cable Row3-410-12
Machine Bench Press3-410-12
Cable Pull Through410-15
Banded Step Outs3-410-15 Each

Glute Focused Full Body Workout 2

ExerciseSet RangeRep Range
Barbell Back Squat46-8
Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift48-12
Lat Pull Down3-410-12
Dumbbell Shoulder Press3-410-12
Single Leg Kickback410-15 Each
Fire Hydrants3-410-15 Each

Glute Focused Full Body Workout 3

ExerciseSet RangeRep Range
Barbell Hip Thrust46-8
Dumbbell Lateral Lunge48-12
Dumbbell Reverse Lunge410-12
Dumbbell Row3-410-12
Arnold Shoulder Press3-410-12
Glute Kickback Machine3-410-15 Each

Final Thoughts on Glute-Focused 3 Day Splits

A full body split is a wise choice when designing a 3 day split that is more glute focused. It allows you to train each body part at a frequency that will stimulate the muscle.

However, another option for those looking to build a glute-focused 3 day workout routine would be a push/pull/legs split or even an upper/lower/full body split. You would simply need to choose exercises that allow you to target your glutes each training session.

Rest periods for a workout such as the one provided as an example will typically be dependent on your individual abilities and goals. Personally, I find it best to rest for 2-3 minutes after heavy lifts, 1-2 minutes after moderate lifts, and 30-45 seconds after isolation exercises.

While this template can serve as a potential starting point for some, you can alter the exercises within it to better fit your capabilities and goals. For instance, back squats are not available for everyone for a variety of reasons, you may substitute this for a exercise that will help you train your lower body.

If you have any questions about the sample workout, the exercises listed, or how to make your routine more glute-focused, please feel free to leave a comment below!