4 Day Upper/Lower Workout Plan for Planet Fitness

It surprises me that you will still find Planet Fitness hate on reddit threads and social media.

It is a perfectly good gym with an affordable membership and ample equipment.

If you can’t get a good workout with the wide assortment of machines and dumbbells, that honestly says more about you than the gym.

With dumbbells that go up to 70lbs, smith machines, and isolation machines on the gym floor, you’re only limited by your imagination when it comes to building a 4 day workout routine at Planet Fitness.

In this article, we’re going to show you what we would do if we were performing a 4 day per week workout using the equipment at Planet Fitness. We will utilize an upper/lower split to break up our workout days to optimize our training frequency.

Check out the workout template below and read through the rest of the article. If you have any questions afterwards, feel free to drop us a comment below!

4 Day Upper/Lower Planet Fitness Workout

In this workout routine, we will split up the workouts into 4 separate workouts. Two of which will be upper body workouts and the other two will be lower body workouts.

On your upper body workout days you will focus on exercises that target the muscles of the upper body including the shoulders, back, chest, and arms. On your lower body workout days you will switch the emphasis to the muscles of the lower body including the quads, hamstrings, glutes and calves.

The exercise selection will focus on utilizing compound movement patterns with the assortment of dumbbells and isolation exercises utilizing some of the unique machines at Planet Fitness. Of course, we will also throw in some bodyweight exercises as well where appropriate.

The template below will be more of an intermediate workout template. However, it can and should be modified to fit your individual needs. This can be accomplished by altering the exercise selection, set count and rep count.

The four days in which you schedule your workouts will be based on your personal schedule. In the next section, we will show you how you might schedule your workouts throughout the week and also provide the sample workout template.

4 Day Upper/Lower Workout at Planet Fitness Weekly Routine

  • Monday: Planet Fitness Upper Body Workout 1
  • Tuesday: Planet Fitness Lower Body Workout 1
  • Wednesday: Off
  • Thursday: Planet Fitness Upper Body Workout 2
  • Friday: Planet Fitness Lower Body Workout 2
  • Weekends: Off

Planet Fitness Upper Body Workout 1

ExercisesSet RangeRep Range
Dumbbell Incline Bench Press3-58-12
Smith Machine Seated Shoulder Press3-48-12
Lat Pull Down3-48-12
Machine Row3-48-12
Machine Bicep Curl2-310-12

Planet Fitness Lower Body Workout 1

ExercisesSet RangeRep Range
Dumbbell Goblet Squat3-58-12
Leg Press3-48-12
Smith Machine Deadlift3-48-12
Leg Curl3-48-12
Glute bridge2-310-15

Planet Fitness Upper Body Workout 2

ExercisesSet RangeRep Range
Dumbbell Row3-58-12
(Assisted) Pull Up3-48-12
Machine Shoulder Press3-48-12
Machine Chest Press3-48-12
Tricep Cable Extension2-310-15

Planet Fitness Lower Body Workout 2

ExercisesSet RangeRep Range
Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift3-58-12
Dumbbell Hip Thrust3-48-12
Dumbbell Lunge3-48-12
Leg Extension3-48-12
Calf Raise2-310-15

Final Thoughts on Upper/Lower Workouts at Planet Fitness

In this article we showed you one possible way to split up your workouts into 4 days per week if your gym of choice is Planet Fitness.

It needs to be restated that this workout is simply a template and should be modified to better fit your individual needs. The awesome thing about Planet Fitness is that they have a staff of Personal Trainers who are more than willing to help you design an individualized workout program.

In regard to the 4 day upper/lower workout routine described above, you can utilize a program such as this one for as long as you like. So long as you are maintaining progress, there is no need to change up the style in which you train. Just ensure you progress by making the exercises more challenging each week. This can be accomplished by increasing the weight you use when safe to do so.

Rest periods will be highly individualized as well. A good rule of thumb is to rest for 1-2 minutes in between sets. If you used a particularly heavy weight for a set, you could rest longer than 2 minutes. Go at your own pace.

If 4 days per week is too much for you, you may enjoy this 3 day full body workout you can do at Planet Fitness.

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