4 Day Push/Pull Dumbbell Workout Plan

If you’ve been working through the 3 Day Total-Body Dumbbell Workout for a few months now, you’re probably looking for a new and different way to progress.

Switching up your routine from 3 weekly total-body workouts to a 4 day per week training program that incorporates a push/pull split is a nice way to provide a new stimulus to force your muscles to get stronger and grow.

The routine below is just that. A 4 day per week push/pull workout split that can be done in the comfort of your own home with nothing but a pair of adjustable dumbbells.

On push days you’ll work any muscle group involved with pushing. This will encompass your chest, shoulders, triceps, quads and calves.

On pull days, you’ll work any muscle group involved with pulling. This will be comprised of your back, biceps, traps, rear delts and hamstrings.

Enjoy the routine, read the workout run-down for some additional details, and feel free to leave a comment in the comment section if you have any questions.

4 Day Dumbbell Only Weekly Routine

  • Monday: Push Dumbbell Only Workout 1
  • Tuesday: Pull Dumbbell Only Workout 1
  • Wednesday: Recovery Day
  • Thursday: Push Dumbbell Only Workout 2
  • Friday: Pull Dumbbell Only Workout 2
  • Weekends: Recovery Days

Monday: Push Dumbbell Only Workout 1

Dumbbell Floor Press48
Dumbbell Shoulder Press48
Dumbbell Kickback48
Dumbbell Squat48
Dumbbell Rear Lunge48

Tuesday: Pull Dumbbell Only Workout 1

Neutral Grip Dumbbell Row48
Elbows Wide Dumbbell Row48
Dumbbell Rear Delt Fly48
Dumbbell RDL48
Dumbbell Glute Bridge48

Thursday: Push Dumbbell Only Workout 2

Dumbbell Squat-to-Press315
Dumbbell Lateral Lunge315 Each
Dumbbell Calf Raise325
Dumbbell Floor Fly315
Dumbbell Lateral Raise315

Friday: Pull Dumbbell Workout 2

One Arm Dumbbell Row315 Each
Underhand Dumbbell Row315
Dumbbell Curl315
Dumbbell Stiff-Legged Deadlift315
Single Leg Dumbbell Deadlift315 Each

4 Day Dumbbell Only Weekly Routine Run-Down

Each workout day has 5 total lifts that all require you to utilize dumbbells to perform. As mentioned the push days will focus on your push muscles while your pull days will focus on the pull muscles.

This strategy is used to essentially have specified total-body sessions without overloading any one group of muscles to allow for optimal recovery.

The first two workouts of the week will focus on lower hypertrophic reps to allow you to test your muscles with heavier weight. The latter two workouts of the week will ramp up the rep counts to challenge your muscle endurance and encourage muscle growth.

For the first two sessions of the week, keep rest periods at about 90 seconds. For the last two workouts of the week, keep rest periods shorter at ~60 seconds in between sets and exercises.

Perform each set of each individual exercise prior to moving onto the next exercise. This is not intended to be performed in a circuit or superset fashion.

Please keep in mind that this workout routine is simply a template. It is meant to be modified to meet your specific fitness level, goals, and movement capabilities.

You can always substitute or add in additional exercises into the routine if you’d like to incorporate bodyweight exercises (or additional equipment you may own).

This program can be utilized for as long as you wish so long as you are continuously attempting to increase the weight you use on each exercise.

If you reach a plateau, stay tuned for additional dumbbell workout routines that will include different training strategies or additional workout days throughout the week.

In the meantime, if you have any additional questions about the routine, please be sure to leave them in the comments section!