5 Triceps Supersets That Will Blow Up Your Arms

Using triceps supersets during your arm workouts is a surefire way to get an arm pump that is other-worldly.

The mixture of volume can be a perfect way to warm your triceps up or finish them off in a workout.

In this article, we’re going to describe 5 different supersets all targeting the triceps that you can incorporate into your workout routine.

Let’s get started with a superset that can be used as a warmup to your tricep workout.

Triceps Superset 1: Dumbbell Tricep Kickback and Banded Tricep Pressdown

For our first triceps superset, we’ve got a duo that is perfect for warming up the back of the arms.

For this superset, you’ll begin with a dumbbell kickback and follow up immediately with a resistance band tricep extension.

For the dumbbell kickback, select a light set of dumbbells. Hinge forward at the hips and bring your elbows to your hip. Keeping a flat back, extend the elbow and kick back the dumbbell behind you. Perform 12-15 reps of this exercise.

Immediately following the kickbacks, set up a resistance band on a hook, door anchor, or pull up bar. Grab the handles or loops of the band and bring your elbows into your sides. Maintaining your elbow position, use your triceps to push the resistance band towards the ground. Perform 12-15 reps of this exercise.

Once completed, wait for 60-90 seconds and then repeat the superset for 2-3 sets.

Afterwards, you’ll feel your triceps completely activated and you’ll be ready to move on to the first true resistance superset.

Triceps Superset 2: Cable Tricep Pressdown and Cable Reverse Grip Tricep Pushdown

Up next, we’ve got two cable pressdown/extension variations to light up the entire tricep with an emphasis on the lateral and medial heads.

The convenient part of this superset is that both exercises utilize the same set up. You simply flip your grip to perform the next exercise which will allow you to save time and keep your triceps under tension for an extended period of time.

Begin by attaching either a straight bar, EZ bar, or two single handles to the cable pulley. Grab your preferred attachment with a pronated grip (so that your knuckles face the ceiling). Bring your elbows tight to your rib cage and bend slightly forward. Use your triceps to press the weight down towards the ground. Repeat for 10-12 repetitions.

After you finish the first exercise, flip your grip and move right into the second exercise using the same movement pattern and steps outlined above. Repeat for 10-12 repetitions.

Rest for 1-2 minutes upon completing the superset. Repeat for 3 sets.

Triceps Superset 3: Close Grip EZ Bar Bench Press and EZ Bar Skullcrushers

The next superset we have for you is the hardest one on the list. In this superset, you’ll perform a tricep press that will build the medial head of the tricep as well as an overhead extension that will stretch the long head of the tricep.

It is also highly recommended to use a spotter when performing this superset. You will also likely need an EZ bar where you can easily strip some of the weight off of the bar once you’ve completed the press portion of the superset.

Begin by lying on a bench. Have your spotter lift up the EZ bar and place it in your hands with your arms completely extended. Take a close grip on the EZ bar and lower the bar to your chest and press it back to an extended position. Repeat this exercise for 8-10 repetitions.

Once completed, have the spotter grab the bar from you and remove 30-50% of the weight on the bar. The spotter should then lift it back up to your extended arms and place it in your hands. Keeping your elbows in a fixed position, lower the weight in your hands towards your head. Once within an inch or two from your forehead, flex your triceps to bring your arms back to a fully extended position. Repeat for 8 repetitions.

Rest for two minutes after finishing this superset and repeat for 3-4 sets.

Tricep Superset 4: Machine Dips and Machine Tricep Extensions

For those of you who workout at Planet Fitness, or any other gym with the necessary machines, you’ll enjoy this superset.

Sometimes these two machines will be relatively close together which makes the superset easy to perform. If not, it might be helpful to have a workout partner so you can alternate between the equipment as you cross the gym. If you don’t have a workout partner, you might need a workout towel and a water bottle to keep the equipment from being taken – but be considerate of your fellow gym goers and refrain from performing this superset in an extremely busy gym.

Begin by getting into the machine dip station. Select the desired weight for the set. Press the handles down to the ground and repeat for 8 repetitions.

Once you have completed the first exercise, move to the tricep extension machine. This machine looks like a preacher bench and really ignites a burn in the triceps. Select your desired weight, grab the handles, and fix your elbows to the pad. Press into the handles and extend at the elbow using your triceps to move the weight. Repeat for 10-12 repetitions.

Repeat this superset for 3-4 sets.

Tricep Superset 5: Bodyweight Dips and Close Grip Pushups

This one may be the hardest of the list. It is a toss up between this superset and the close grip ex bar tricep bench press and skullcrusher superset. The benefit of this superset is that it can be performed by those who have a home gym that isn’t equipped with some of the other pieces of equipment listed.

Begin the superset on the parallel bars. Using your chest and triceps (with as much of an emphasis on the triceps as you can comfortably make possible). Perform 8-12 repetitions of dips.

Then, hop off of the parallel bars and assume a pushup position with you hands placed slightly inside shoulder width apart. Lower your body to the ground with your elbows pressing back in a Y position. Repeat for 8-12 reptitions.

Rest for 90 seconds in between sets and perform 3-4 sets.


In this article, we covered 5 different tricep supersets for your next arm workout.

Pick 2-3 of the supersets listed above and enjoy a complete tricep workout.

If you have any questions about tricep training or supersets, please feel free to leave a comment below!