5 Day Dumbbell Workout: Upper/Lower/Full Body Split

In this article, I am going to show you how you can split up your workouts throughout the week if you have 5 days per week to commit to resistance training.

All you’ll need to perform the workouts is a pair of adjustable dumbbells.

This 5 day split will have you perform a traditional upper/lower split throughout the week and one full body workout per week.

This allows you to target every muscle group 3 times per week – which is great if muscle growth is a goal you have.

The addition of a full body workout can also be viewed as a progression if you’ve been performing a 4 day upper/lower workout routine for a while.

In the sections below, I’ll cover what the weekly workout routine will look like and provide some sample workout templates.

If you have any questions after reading everything, please feel free to leave a comment in the comments section.

5 Day Dumbbell Weekly Workout Routine

  • Monday: Upper Body Dumbbell Workout
  • Tuesday: Lower Body Dumbbell Workout
  • Wednesday: Upper Body Dumbbell Workout
  • Thursday: Lower Body Dumbbell Workout
  • Friday: Off/Recovery
  • Saturday: Full Body Dumbbell Workout
  • Sunday: Off/Recovery

Monday: Upper Body Dumbbell Workout

Dumbbell Floor Press310
Dumbbell Shoulder Press310
Dumbbell Row310
Dumbbell Curl310
Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Extension310

Tuesday: Lower Body Dumbbell Workout

Dumbbell Squat310
Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift310
Dumbbell Lunge310
Dumbbell Glute Bridge310
Dumbbell Calf Raise310

Wednesday: Upper Body Dumbbell Workout

Dumbbell Lateral Raise310
Dumbbell Reverse Fly310
Dumbbell Front Shoulder Raise310
Dumbbell Row310
Dumbbell Floor Press310

Thursday: Lower Body Dumbbell Workout

Dumbbell Goblet Squat310
Dumbbell Deadlift310
Dumbbell Lateral Lunge310
Dumbbell Glute Bridge310
Dumbbell Calf Raise310

Saturday: Full Body Dumbbell Workout

Dumbbell Arnold Press310
Dumbbell Row310
Dumbbell Floor Press310
Dumbbell Split Squat310
Dumbbell Stiff Leg Deadlift310

Final Thoughts on the 5 Day Dumbbell Only Workout

This workout routine template and sample workouts can be used to help you accomplish your resistance training goals.

It is important to remember that this workout routine, and all workout routines on the website, are simply templates. They are not individualized to meet your specific needs. However, they’re intended to be educational to help you learn how you might set up your own workouts.

Since these sample workouts are templates, you’re more than welcome to substitute exercises based on your specific goals, comfort level, and fitness level.

An exercise program like the routine outlined above can be performed for as long as you are seeing the results you’re hoping for. Generally, people will use an exercise program for 6-12 weeks. This provides enough time to learn the movements, track the weights used, and progress your strength by increasing the weight used, sets/reps performed, or a combination of both.

No cardio workouts are outlined in the weekly routine specifically. However, cardiovascular training is important to remain healthy. You can accomplish your cardio goals by adding in cardiovascular workouts in the mornings/evenings of your workouts or before/after your weight training.

Generally, most people I know prefer to perform their cardio in the morning if they separate the two, or after their weight training if they combine the two.

Rest periods will vary depending on your fitness level. A good starting point to work off of is between 60-90 seconds in between sets and exercises.

The sample workouts, as written, are meant to be performed in a straight set fashion. This means you will complete all the sets of an exercise before moving on to the next exercise in the workout.

If you have any additional questions, please drop them in the comments section below and I will answer them.