6 Day Push/Pull/Legs Dumbbell Workout Routine

In this article, we describe how you can build a great 6 day workout routine using nothing but a set of dumbbells.

This dumbbell workout will follow a push/pull/legs (ppl) split.

A ppl split is a split in which you divide your workouts into three separate muscle group pairings. The first pairing is all of the push muscle groups of the body including the chest, shoulders and triceps. The second pairing is all of the pull muscles which includes the back and biceps. And finally, the other pairing is the leg muscles that include the quads, hamstrings, glutes and calves.

Certain muscle groups can be challenging to target when all you have is a pair of adjustable dumbbells. However, the template that will follow in this article will show you it’s not impossible.

You can get in a good workout regardless of your equipment limitations.

So, with that said, let’s get into the workout routine.

6 Day Dumbbell Only PPL Workout Overview

As mentioned, this workout routine will focus on using a push/pull/split divided among 6 workout days.

The day you decide to use as your rest day is completely up to you and your schedule. As will be outlined in the sample routine below, we place our rest day on Sundays.

The exercise selection in this workout template will be focused exclusively on exercises you can perform with only a set of adjustable dumbbells. If you have additional equipment available to use, feel free to modify the exercise selection to incorporate whatever pieces of equipment you desire.

As with all workouts on this website, this program is simply a template. It is meant to be modified to better fit your individual needs. This could mean altering the exercise selection, the sets listed or the reps per set. Whatever you need to do to make this workout fit your needs, please feel free to do it.

6 Day PPL Dumbbell Workout Weekly Routine

  • Monday: Push Workout 1
  • Tuesday: Pull Workout 1
  • Wednesday: Leg Workout 1
  • Thursday: Push Workout 2
  • Friday: Pull Workout 2
  • Saturday: Leg Workout 2
  • Sunday: Rest Day

Push Dumbbell Workout 1

Dumbbell Shoulder Press38
Dumbbell Floor Press38
Dumbbell Lateral Raise310
Dumbbell Floor Fly310
Dumbbell Tricep Extension310

Pull Dumbbell Workout 1

Dumbbell Row38
Underhand Dumbbell Row38
Dumbbell Reverse Fly310
Dumbbell Shrug38
Dumbbell Hammer Curl310

Leg Dumbbell Workout 1

Dumbbell Squat38
Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift38
Dumbbell Lunge310 Each
Dumbbell Glute Bridge310
Dumbbell Calf Raise320

Push Dumbbell Workout 2

Dumbbell Arnold Press38
Dumbbell Front Raise310
Pushup on Dumbbell38
Dumbbell Pullover on Floor310
Dumbbell Floor Skullcrusher310

Pull Dumbbell Workout 2

Dumbbell High Row38
Dumbbell Renegade Row38 Each
Dumbbell Shrug310
Dumbbell Curl310
Dumbbell Reverse Curl310

Leg Dumbbell Workout 2

Dumbbell Goblet Squat38
Dumbbell Stiff Legged Deadlift38
Dumbbell Lateral Lunge310 Each
Dumbbell Glute Bridge310
Dumbbell Calf Raise310

Final Thoughts on the 6 Day PPL Dumbbell Workout

In this article we described how you can split up your workouts between 6 days using a push/pull/legs split and only a pair of adjustable dumbbells.

Dumbbell only workouts can be a helpful way to get in a great workout in a limited gym environment or at home with minimal equipment.

If you have any questions about ppl splits or how to design an effective workout with limited gym equipment, please leave a comment down below!