4 Day Push/Pull Workout Split

Using a 4 day push/pull workout split is an awesome way to split up your workouts so that you directly or indirectly hit nearly every muscle group multiple times throughout the week.

This style of split is excellent for anyone looking to build muscle and strength.

The push/pull splitting of exercises between workout days can also be an incredibly fun way to divide your exercises.

Having days dedicated to push workouts or pull workouts will also allow you the opportunity to leave the gym with an awesome pump due to the volume the muscle groups will endure during the workouts.

So, now that we’ve briefly covered why a 4 day push/pull workout routine can be so enjoyable, let’s get into what one might look like.

Below we will provide a template of what exercises could make up a 4 day push/pull workout as well as what a weekly workout routine might look like for you.

4 Day Push/Pull Workout Routine Overview

A push/pull workout is similar to a push/pull/legs workout except instead of legs having their own workout day, the leg muscles are included in your push or pull workouts depending on the function of the muscle groups.

The workouts will usually start off with a focus on compound exercises before moving into some isolation exercises to better target your muscles.

Some lifters may design their push/pull workout within 4 days so that 2 workouts are strength focused with lower rep ranges and 2 workouts are more hypertrophy or muscle development focused.

The template we will provide will mix strength-based exercises with hypertrophy-focused exercises within the same day.

How you split up your workouts throughout the week is entirely up to you and your schedule. However, provided below is a typical way someone would structure their week with a 4 day push/pull split.

4 Day Push/Pull Workout Weekly Split

  • Monday: Push Workout 1
  • Tuesday: Pull Workout 1
  • Wednesday: Rest
  • Thursday: Push Workout 2
  • Friday: Pull Workout 2
  • Weekends: Rest

Push Workout 1

ExercisesSet RangesRep Ranges
Leg Press3-58-12
Leg Extension3-48-12
Barbell Shoulder Press3-58-12
Dumbbell Bench Press3-58-12
EZ Bar Skullcrushers3-48-12

Pull Workout 1

ExercisesSet RangesRep Ranges
Romanian Deadlift3-58-12
Leg Curl3-48-12
Pull Up3-58-12
Seated Cable Row3-58-12
EZ Bar Preacher Curl3-48-12

Push Workout 2

ExercisesSet RangesRep Ranges
Barbell Squat3-58-12
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press3-58-12
Decline Machine Press3-48-12
Machine Shoulder Press3-58-12

Pull Workout 2

ExercisesSet RangesRep Ranges
Dumbbell Row3-58-12
Lat Pull Down3-58-12
Hammer Strength Row3-48-12
Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift3-58-12
Incline Dumbbell Curls3-48-12

Final Thoughts on the 4 Day Push/Pull Workout

The push/pull split is an awesome way to structure your 4 day workout routine.

This style of training is also a great progression for someone who is used to full body workouts and wants to increase their training days per week without wanting to perform an extra full body workout each week.

As mentioned, the split is also conducive to pumps for anyone who classifies themselves as a pump chaser in the gym.

The split may not be as popular as upper/lower workouts, push/pull/leg workouts, or full body workouts. However, it can be the perfect split for someone who hasn’t found enjoyment out of those styles of splits.

In regard to the push/pull template presented above, please keep in mind that it is only a template written for informational purposes. It is important to experiment with exercise selection, rep schemes, sets, rest periods, etc to find what works best for you.

There is no limit to how long to perform a specific style of training. If you enjoy a particular workout split and are seeing great gains and continue to progress your workouts over time, there’s no reason to fix what isn’t broken.

If you have any questions regarding push/pull workouts or how to split your workouts between 4 days per week, please feel free to drop it in the comments section below!