2 Day Kettlebell Full Body Workout Routine

If you’re looking to build explosive and functional strength, the kettlebell is an awesome tool to have at your disposal.

Kettlebells are versatile and have a relatively low footprint making them a perfect addition to your home gym.

For those who are looking to achieve their minimum strength training weekly quota of 2 days per week, performing a full body workout with a kettlebell is a good choice.

Kettlebell workouts allow you to use a weight implement to build muscle and strength.

And in the workout template in this article, we’re going to show you exactly how you can build a 2 day kettlebell workout.

2 Day Kettlebell Workout Overview

As already mentioned, this workout template is going to assume you have 2 days per week to commit to weight training. It is also going to assume that the only piece of equipment you have available to use is a kettlebell.

Of course, if you have more equipment in your home gym, you may decide you want to include some of it in your workouts with different exercise variations. That is completely fine.

As with all workout routine templates on this website, it is simply a template. It is meant to be altered in whatever ways necessary to fit your individual capabilities, goals, exercise preferences, and equipment available to you.

The days of the week you train are also most flexible in a 2 day workout routine. The only thing you have to avoid is stacking them on consecutive days. It is beneficial to have 48-72 hours in between workout sessions, but so long as you accomplish both workouts with at least one rest day in between training sessions, you’ll be crushing it.

A sample weekly routine could look something like this:

2 Day Kettlebell Workout Weekly Routine

  • Monday: Full Body Kettlebell Workout A
  • Tuesday: Rest/cardio
  • Wednesday: Rest/cardio/mobility work
  • Thursday: Full Body Kettlebell Workout B
  • Thursday: Rest/cardio
  • Saturday: Rest/cardio
  • Sunday: Rest/Mobility work

Full Body Kettlebell Workout A

ExercisesSet RangeRep Range
Kettlebell Goblet Squat3-56-12
Kettlebell Lunge with Rotation3-56-12
Kettlebell Romanian Deadlift3-56-12
Kettlebell Row3-56-12
Kettlebell Overhead Press3-56-12

Full Body Kettlebell Workout B

ExercisesSet RangeRep Range
Kettlebell Swing3-56-12
Kettlebell Sumo Squat3-56-12
Kettlebell Bottoms Up Floor Press3-56-12
Kettlebell Halo3-56-12
Kettlebell Row3-56-12

Final Thoughts on the 2 Day Kettlebell Workout

By committing to a 2 day kettlebell workout routine, you will be accomplishing the minimum recommended strength training associated with muscle and strength growth and maintenance.

It also provides people with the flexibility to schedule their strength training when it best fits their routine. It even allows those who prefer to challenge themselves with cardiovascular training a way to include strength training into their overall training plan without necessarily hampering recovery.

Kettlebell training is an awesome way to build functional strength. The kettlebell can be used for foundational movement patterns as well as Olympic style lifts. It can even be used to isolate certain muscle groups depending on your exercise selection.

A program such as the one in the template above can be used for as long as you like. If you are enjoying a program and are seeing good results from it, there is really no need to switch things up. Simply continue to push yourself by purchasing and using a heavier kettlebell or increasing the sets/reps you perform with your current kettlebell.

You can even change the exercise selection and attempt more challenging exercise variations as a way to progress.

Or, if you have another day available to train, you can increase your training frequency and begin a 3 day kettlebell workout routine.

If you have any questions about the template, kettlebell workouts, or how to optimize your 2 day workout routine, please feel free to leave a comment below!

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