Dumbbell Only Workouts: 5 Complete Example Workout Routines

Dumbbell only workouts really picked up steam during the pandemic and are a truly great option for anyone looking to get in a solid workout at home.

The main reason is due to the exercise variety provided with just a set of adjustable dumbbells.

But just because they’re a great option for those looking to work out at home doesn’t mean someone should shy away from them if they work out in a gym setting.

Dumbbells provide a great source of resistance to help exercisers build muscle. They’re also relatively easy to progress with. Simply increase the weight of the dumbbell you’re using when you’re not feeling challenged anymore.

So, with all that said, let’s discuss several workout splits and how they can be used by someone who only has a pair of dumbbells to work out with.

Below we’ll cover the best dumbbell only exercises, several workout routines based on training frequency, additional exercises to consider if you have access to a bench, and frequently asked questions about dumbbell workouts.

Best Dumbbell Only Exercises

The best dumbbell exercises are going to exercises you can perform that train the foundational movement patterns with a pair of dumbbells.

They include:

Most of the workouts listed below will incorporate these dumbbell exercises or another variation of the movement pattern using dumbbells.

If you’re looking to build your own dumbbell workout, simply include the exercises listed and perform 3-5 sets of a challenging rep range based on the weight you have access to.

2 Day Dumbbell Workout Routine

The following 2 day workout routine will show you an example of how you can set up two weekly full body workouts.

  • Monday: Full Body Dumbbell Workout
  • Tuesday: Off/Cardio/Other Training
  • Wednesday: Off/Cardio/Other Training
  • Thursday: Full Body Dumbbell Workout
  • Friday: Off/Cardio/Other Training
  • Weekends: Off/Cardio/Other Training

Monday: Full Body Dumbbell Workout

ExerciseSetsRep Range
Dumbbell Squat to Press310
Dumbbell Pushup to Row310
Dumbbell Deadlift310
Dumbbell Shoulder Press310
Dumbbell Curls310
Dumbbell Tricep Extension310

Thursday: Full Body Dumbbell Workout

ExerciseSetsRep Range
Dumbbell Goblet Squat310
Dumbbell Clean310
Dumbbell Lateral Lunge310
Dumbbell Shoulder Press310
Dumbbell Floor Press310
Dumbbell Row310

3 Day Total-Body Dumbbell Workout

This workout routine is a 3 day workout routine. Total body, or full body workouts, are great for all experience levels. Hitting muscle groups with a 3 day training frequency elicits a pretty optimal environment for the body to build muscle.

This workout is best when performed in a 1 day on 1 day off fashion. So, for those looking for a weekly breakdown, it would look something like this:

  • Monday: Total Body Dumbbell Workout
  • Tuesday: Off/Cardio/Other Training
  • Wednesday: Total Body Dumbbell Workout
  • Thursday: Off/Cardio/Other Training
  • Friday: Total Body Dumbbell Workout
  • Weekends: Off/Cardio/Other Training

Day 1: Total Body Dumbbell Workout

ExerciseSetsRep Range
Dumbbell Squat310-15
Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift310-15
Dumbbell Shoulder Press310-15
Dumbbell Row310-15
Dumbbell Floor Press310-15
Dumbbell Hammer Curl310-15
Dumbbell Skullcrusher on Floor310-15

Day 2: Total Body Dumbbell Workout

ExerciseSetsRep Range
Dumbbell Clean310-15
Dumbbell Sumo Goblet Squat310-15
Dumbbell Renegade Row to Pushup310-15
Dumbbell Lateral Raise310-15
Bent Over Dumbbell Rear Delt Raise310-15
Dumbbell Curls310-15
Dumbbell Overhead Extension310-15

Day 3: Total Body Dumbbell Workout

ExerciseSetsRep Range
Dumbbell Squat to Press310-15
Dumbbell Lunge310-15
Dumbbell Deadlift310-15
Dumbbell Row310-15
Dumbbell Pullover from floor310-15
Dumbbell Reverse Curl310-15
Dumbbell Kickback310-15

4 Day Upper/Lower Dumbbell Only Routine

Utilizing upper/lower splits is a good way to increase the volume during a given session so that you can build muscle without taxing the entire body.

Upper/lower splits essential break the body into two halves and each day you’ll focus on one or the other.

During your upper body workouts, you’ll utilize exercises to target muscles of the upper body: Chest, shoulders, back and arms. During your lower body workouts, you’ll focus on exercises that work the leg muscles: Quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves.

  • Monday: Upper Body Dumbbell Workout 1
  • Tuesday: Lower Body Dumbbell Workout 1
  • Wednesday: Mobility/Recovery Day
  • Thursday: Upper Body Dumbbell Workout 2
  • Friday: Lower Body Dumbbell Workout 2
  • Weekends: Mobility/Recovery Days

Monday: Upper Body Workout 1

ExerciseSetsRep Range
Dumbbell Floor Press310
Pushups on Dumbbells310
Kneeling Dumbbell Shoulder Press310
Dumbbell Row310
Underhand Dumbbell Row310

Tuesday: Lower Body Workout 1

ExerciseSetsRep Range
Dumbbell Glute Bridge310
Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift310
Dumbbell Sumo Squat310
Dumbbell Lateral Lunge310
Dumbbell Calf Raise325

Thursday: Upper Body Workout 2

ExerciseSetsRep Range
Dumbbell Floor Chest Fly310
Dumbbell Floor Lying Pull Over310
Dumbbell Arnold Press310
One Arm Dumbbell Row310
Dumbbell High Row310

Friday: Lower Body Workout 2

ExerciseSetsRep Range
Dumbbell Goblet Squat310
Dumbbell Squat310
Dumbbell Rear Lunge310 Each
Dumbbell Deadlift310
Dumbbell Calf Raise325

5 Day Dumbbell Only Upper/Lower Workout Routine (Lower Focused)

With 5 day workout routines, we begin to get into the training frequencies that allow you to really customize your workout routine.

This template will follow an upper/lower split philosophy. With the additional 5th day, we will include an additional leg workout.

Thus, this is an excellent way to split up your workouts if you have the goal of increasing the amount of volume you use to target your leg muscles.

  • Monday: Lower Body Dumbbell Workout
  • Tuesday: Upper Body Dumbbell Workout
  • Wednesday: Lower Body Dumbbell Workout
  • Thursday: Upper Body Dumbbell Workout
  • Friday: Lower Body Dumbbell Workout
  • Weekends: Off/Recovery

Monday: Lower Body Workout

ExerciseSetsRep Range
Dumbbell Goblet Squat310
Dumbbell Lunge310 Each
Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift310
Dumbbell Glute Bridge310
Dumbbell Calf Raise310

Tuesday: Upper Body Workout

ExerciseSetsRep Range
Dumbbell Floor Press310
Dumbbell Shoulder Press310
Dumbbell Row310
Dumbbell Curls310
Dumbbell Floor Skullcrusher310

Wednesday: Lower Body Workout

ExerciseSetsRep Range
Dumbbell Deadlift310
Dumbbell Reverse Lunge310
Dumbbell Sumo Squat310
Dumbbell Frog Pump310
Dumbbell Calf Raise310

Thursday: Upper Body Workout

ExerciseSetsRep Range
Dumbbell Lateral Raise310
Dumbbell Renegade Row310
Dumbbell Pushup310
Dumbbell Hammer Curl310
Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Extension310

Friday: Lower Body Workout

ExerciseSetsRep Range
Dumbbell Squat310
Dumbbell One Legged Deadlift310 Each
Dumbbell Lateral Lunge310 Each
Dumbbell One Legged Glute Bridge310 Each
Dumbbell Calf Raise310

6 Day Push/Pull/Legs Dumbbell Only Workout

Lastly, we’ll cover how you can perform a push/pull/legs workout split using only dumbbells. This example will follow a 6 day per week training protocol.

  • Monday: Push Dumbbell Workout
  • Tuesday: Pull Dumbbell Workout
  • Wednesday: Leg Dumbbell Workout
  • Thursday: Rest/Off
  • Friday: Push Dumbbell Workout
  • Saturday: Pull Dumbbell Workout
  • Sunday: Leg Dumbbell Workout

Monday: Push Workout

ExerciseSetsRep Range
Dumbbell Shoulder Press310
Dumbbell Arnold Press310
Dumbbell Floor Press310
Dumbbell Floor Fly310
Dumbbell Floor Skullcrusher310

Tuesday: Pull Dumbbell Workout

ExerciseSetsRep Range
Dumbbell Row310
Dumbbell Rear Delt Raise310
Dumbbell Floor Pullover310
Dumbbell Hammer Curl310
Dumbbell Curls310

Wednesday: Leg Dumbbell Workout

ExerciseSetsRep Range
Dumbbell Squat310
Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift310
Dumbbell Lunge310
Dumbbell Lateral Lunge310
Dumbbell Glute Bridge310

Friday: Push Workout

ExerciseSetsRep Range
Dumbbell Floor Press36
Dumbbell Floor Fly312
Dumbbell Shoulder Press36
Dumbbell Arnold Press312
Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Extension315

Saturday: Pull Workout

ExerciseSetsRep Range
Dumbbell Row36
One Arm Dumbbell Row312
High Row312
Dumbbell Rear Delt Raise315
Dumbbell Bicep Curl315

Sunday: Leg Workout

ExerciseSetsRep Range
Dumbbell Squat36
Dumbbell Lunge312 Each
Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift36
One Leg Dumbbell Deadlift312 Each
Dumbbell Calf Raise325

Additional Dumbbell Workout Routine Templates:

Additional Dumbbell Bench Exercises to Consider

If you have access to a workout bench, you can increase the variety of the exercises you use to make these workout programs even more well-rounded.

Listed below are some of my favorite exercises and ones I would consider substituting in. Substitutions would depend on the experience level of the lifter and also the overall enjoyment of the exercise listed compared to another variation that doesn’t include a workout bench.

  1. Dumbbell Bench Press
  2. Dumbbell Step Ups
  3. Dumbbell Split Squats
  4. Incline Dumbbell Curl
  5. Preacher Curls
  6. Chest Supported Rows
  7. Seated Dumbbell Lateral Raise

Additionally, although not dumbbell exercises, pullups and dips are excellent additions to any of these workout programs as well. If your gym has access to a pull up bar, pull ups are well worth adding into your workout program. Pullup/Dip stations are also a good investment for a garage gym.

Dumbbell Workout FAQs

Let’s wrap up this guide on dumbbell only workouts with some of the most frequently asked questions on the topic.

Can I build muscle with dumbbells only?

You can absolutely build lean muscle mass only using dumbbells. The key is being consistent with lifestyle factors that promote muscle growth. This includes nutrition, stress management, sleep, and recovery.

When these other areas are being worked on and you commit to a workout routine with an adequate training frequency, dumbbells will provide plenty of stimulus for muscles to breakdown and rebuild bigger.

How heavy should a dumbbell be?

The weight used for any exercise should provide a challenge to the muscle. However, if increasing the weight you are using is not an option, increasing reps and set counts are another way to challenge the muscles you are working.

If the focus is on weight selection alone, select a dumbbell that will allow you to complete the set of the exercise with 2-3 more perfect reps still left in the tank. Depending on your goals, you may want to take the exercise to near mechanical failure if that is desired.

Is it OK to lift dumbbells every day?

Depending on how your training is structured, it is possible to lift dumbbells every day. However, it will not be necessary for most to do so. In fact, it will likely be more beneficial for most to incorporate other forms of exercises into the days they do not plan to workout with dumbbells.

How long should I lift dumbbells every day?

The duration of your workouts will depend on your level of training experience and your goals for exercise. A dumbbell workout could take anywhere between 10-60 minutes or longer. So long as you are including resistance training into your weekly workout routine and progress with your workouts over time, you’ll see the benefits from weight training with dumbbells.

Do you need rest days from dumbbells?

Most lifters will benefit from taking days off from dumbbell training. However, it may not be necessary to take a complete rest day to do so. You may benefit from an active hobby performed with friends on days you do not plan on performing a dumbbell workout. This would allow you to burn additional calories while also socializing in a fun manner.