3 Planet Fitness Ab & Core Workouts (using Gym Machines)

One of the best things about working out at Planet Fitness is the diverse selection of ab machines you have access to.

Exercises using these ab machines can be combined in a variety of ways to strengthen your abdominals.

And if machines aren’t your thing, there’s plenty of core exercises you can do to help you achieve your training goals.

If you have ever been confused as to where to start when it comes to ab training, this article is going to put together several exercise combinations that you can try out at the end of your workouts.

Whether you have a goal of stronger abs, more visible abs, or a more stable core, you’ll find an ab workout template that can be performed at Planet Fitness down below.

If after reading about the workouts and exercises, you have any questions about training abs using the machines at Planet Fitness, feel free to leave us a comment in the comments section below!

Planet Fitness Ab Workout Using Only Machines

ExerciseSet RangeRep Range
Seated Abdominal Crunch Machine3-510-15
Ab Coaster Machine3-510-15
Oblique Rotation Machine3-510-15 Each

Quick Tips about Planet Fitness Ab Workout Using Only Machines

This ab workout only uses machines. And each machine targets a different portion of the abdomen.

The seated abdominal crunch machine will help you target your upper abs. There are two different machines at Planet Fitness that do this. One has more traditional handles with elbow pads and the other has soft rope-like grips. Pick whichever you feel most comfortable with. Be sure to read the instructions provided by the manufacturer on the machine’s label.

The Ab Coaster is a fun machine that will target your lower abs. This machine will stand out to you, especially if someone is in the middle of the set. On this machine you place your knees on a pad while holding onto the supportive handles and bring your knees forward and backward. Again, be sure to read the instructions provided on the machine prior to performing the exercise.

The final exercise in this workout is the oblique rotation machine or torso rotation machine. This machine will target your obliques. As with the other machine exercises mentioned, be sure to read the manufacturer’s instructions prior to performing the exercise.

Planet Fitness Core Strength Workout

ExerciseSet RangeRep Range
MTS Abdominal Crunch Machine3-58-12
Dumbbell Side Bends3-510-15 Each
Hanging Knee Raises3-510-15

Quick Tips about Planet Fitness Core Strength Workout

Our next ab and core planet fitness workout has fewer machine-based exercises but is a great workout that can be performed at any Planet Fitness gym.

The first exercise will target both your upper and lower abdominals. After setting up in the machine, you will bring your knees up and your torso down with weight being evenly distributed to both portions of the abs. Again, it is important to read the instructions on the machine prior to performing this exercise.

Next up is an exercise that will target your obliques. To perform this exercise, grab a dumbbell. And hold it on the right or left side of your body. Put the other hand behind your head. Allow the dumbbell to lower while bracing your core as you stretch through your side body. Flex at the oblique and crunch back to a tall and proud standing position. Repeat for the desired number of reps and switch to the other side.

Last is the hanging knee raise which will build the muscles of the lower abdominals. This exercise will also provide some core stability as you remain in a tall “seated” position throughout the exercise. Once braced with your back against the back pad, bring your knees up towards your torso. Lower your legs back until perpendicular to the floor. Keep your feet off the floor as best as possible. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Planet Fitness Core Stability Workout

ExercisesSet RangeRep Range
Dead Bugs3-510-15 Each
Plank3-530-90 Secs
Stability Ball Crunch3-510-15

Quick Tips about Planet Fitness Core Stability Workout

Last on our list of Planet Fitness workouts is a core stability workout. And to be honest, this particular workout can be performed anywhere as it does not contain any machine exercises.

To perform a dead bug, begin on your back with your knees raised in a bent position and your arms directly out in front of you. One side at a time, reach with the opposing arm and leg until fully extended. Bring them back to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

After that, transition to the plank position either on your forearms or in a push up plank position. Maintain a braced core and a straight line from the crown of the head through the tailbone all the way to your feet. Hold for 60 seconds and repeat for the desired number of sets.

To round out the workout, grab a stability ball and set up with your upper back on the ball as you perform crunches. Crunch with a focus on utilizing only the muscles of the abdomen to bring your upper torso forward. Lower back to the starting position avoiding too much hyperextension. Repeat for the desired number of reps.

Final Thoughts on Ab and Core Workouts at Planet Fitness

In this article, we provided examples of 3 different ab and core workouts that can be performed at Planet Fitness.

These workouts can be performed either after your strength training workouts or cardio workouts.

They can help you with your goal in building stronger more visible abs. However, it is important to remember that strength and physique goals require many other variables such as nutrition, sleep, recovery, well thought out workout design, and stress management.

If you’re in need of a full body workout that can be performed at Planet Fitness, you may enjoy this template: 3 Day Full Body Planet Fitness Workout