Resistance Band Rear Delt Fly: A How to Guide

If you’re looking for an exercise to work your rear delts, look no further than the resistance band bent over rear delt fly.

This banded exercise is an excellent option for those looking to strengthen the posterior deltoids. It will also indirectly work your scapular and lower traps as well.

All of the muscles involved in the resistance band rear delt fly help promote better posture.

The exercise can be included in a wide range of workout types including full body workouts, upper body workouts, pull workouts, and shoulder workouts.

It can also be an excellent warm-up exercise for anyone using another form of resistance.

How to perform the resistance band rear delt fly

  1. Select a resistance band with the desired level of thickness for resistance.
  2. Grab the handles of the band and let the band dangle in front of you ensuring the midpoint of the band is aligned with the midpoint of your body.
  3. Touch the resistance band to the floor and take a shoulder-width stance on the band one foot at a time while maintaining the midpoint alignment.
  4. Hinge at your waist until your torso is parallel to the floor.
  5. Keeping a slight bend in your wrist and pulling with the muscles of the back of your shoulders, bring the handles out to your sides until your body forms a T shape parallel to the ground.
  6. Squeeze the muscles of the rear delts and reverse the movement slowly until your arms are back to your sides.
  7. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.


In this article, we discussed what muscles are worked when performing the banded rear delt fly as well as how to perform the exercise and what type of workouts the exercise can be included in.

It is worth mentioning that recommended reps/set ranges for the rear delt fly range between 2-5 sets for 10-20 repetitions depending on your goals and reason for performing the exercise.

If you have any questions about the exercise, please leave a comment below!