Bodybuilding Workouts: 4 Day Bro Split Workout Routine

While the bro split is usually associated with 5 days per week, you can create a 4 day bro split workout easily.

In fact, the 4 day bro split is a favorite among both recreational and professional bodybuilders.

It was made famous by Dorian Yates with his Blood and Guts programming. And while that style of training worked well for the former Mr. Olympia, it is intense and may not be appropriate for most gym goers.

In the article, we’re going to show you how to create a 4 day bro split and discuss ways in which you can individualize it to better fit your individual needs.

With all that said, let’s get into the 4 day bro split routine.

4 Day Bro Split Workout Overview

The workout that follows is a bro style split that assumes someone has only 4 days per week to make it to the gym. The workouts are split up as closely into single body part days as possible.

Two of the days include multiple body parts.

As a result, the workouts are split up into a chest workout, a back and biceps workout, a shoulder and triceps workout, and a leg workout.

Since a wide chest is often a goal of many bodybuilders and bros, it makes sense to give it its own dedicated workout day. As a result, pairing the triceps with the shoulders also allows you to ensure you isolate the triceps enough to elicit aesthetic growth.

Additionally, since leg workouts are often the most taxing of the body part workouts, we will put legs on their own day and combine quads, hamstrings, glutes and calves together.

The exercise selection for a 4 day bro split should be a mix of compound and isolation exercises. Since bro splits primarily focus on one body part per day, compound movements allow you to indirectly target additional muscle groups which increases the training frequency. Balancing training frequency with recovery is important to build muscle.

As with all workout templates shown on this website, the routine below is simply a template. It is not individualized specifically to you. You will need to do the research or hire a personal trainer to tailor a program specific to you and your individual abilities and goals.

Individualization includes exercise selection, reps/sets used, days in which you decide to train, and so much more.

However, for those looking for a starting point for further research, the template below is an example of a 4 day bro split.

4 Day Bro Split Weekly Routine

  • Monday: Chest Workout
  • Tuesday: Back and Biceps Workout
  • Wednesday: Rest Day
  • Thursday: Shoulders and Triceps Workout
  • Friday: Rest Day
  • Saturday: Leg Workout
  • Sunday: Rest Day

Workout 1: Chest Workout

ExercisesSet RangeRep Range
Incline Bench Press3-46-12
Dumbbell Bench Press3-48-12
Decline Machine Press3-48-12
Machine Chest Fly2-310-15
Bodyweight Dips2-310-15

Workout 2: Back and Biceps Workout

ExercisesSet RangeRep Range
Heavy Dumbbell Row3-46-12
Lat Pull Down3-48-12
Hammer Strength Row3-48-12
Straight Arm Lat Pull Down3-410-15
Hammer Curls2-38-12
Concentration Curls2-310-15

Workout 3: Shoulders and Triceps Workout

ExercisesSet RangeRep Range
Barbell Shoulder Press3-46-12
Dumbbell Lateral Raise3-48-12
Machine Shoulder Press3-410-15
Machine Rear Delt Fly3-410-15
Overhead EZ Bar Tricep Extension3-48-12
Rope Cable Tricep Extension2-310-15

Workout 4: Leg Workout

ExercisesSet RangeRep Range
Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift3-48-12
Leg Press310-15
Leg Extension2-38-12
Leg Curl2-38-12
Calf Raise310-20

Final Thoughts on the 4 Day Bro Split Workout

Bro split style training is simple and fun. By focusing on one or two body parts per training session, you are almost guaranteed to leave the gym feeling a pump in the muscles you worked that day.

The pump is an incredible and addicting feeling which is why many people still opt for bro splits over upper/lower splits even when they only have 4 days per week to make it to the gym.

The bro split above can be used to help you while designing your own bro split to use at the gym.

Any workout routine can be used for as long ss you would like. There’s no need to switch up your training style so long as you are enjoying what you are doing and are making progress over many weeks, months, and years.

If you have any questions about the bro split, exercises, or 4 day workout routines, please feel free to leave a comment below.