Bro Split Workouts: Muscle Growth Training Guide

Ah, bro split workouts.

Tried and true.

The original muscle magazine feature each month.

Bro splits gained popularity in the late 80s and early 90s as all of the pro bodybuilders used its principles to build insane amounts of muscle mass.

During the dawn of the internet, critics started questioning their effectiveness for general gym goers.

And as exercise science began having more and more peer-reviewed research uploaded to their databases, natural lifters became even more concerned if there was a place for bro-style training in their life.

This article will break down what a bro split is, provide an example routine, and answer some of the most important questions regarding bro splits and their effectiveness.

By the end of the article, we hope you’ll have a better understanding of bro-style workouts and if they are appropriate to include in your training.

What are Bro Splits?

The bro split is a workout style that breaks up your training days so that you focus on one muscle group per training session throughout the week.

The most common training days in a bro split include:

  • Chest workout: A day in which your focus is on performing exercises that work the muscles of the chest.
  • Back workout: A day in which your focus is on performing exercises that work the muscles of the back.
  • Leg workout: A day in which your focus is on performing exercises that work the muscles of the leg. Sometimes, people take this a step further and separate leg day into two separate training days. One day focused on quads and another day focused on hamstrings/glutes.
  • Shoulder workout: A day in which your focus is on performing exercises that work the muscles of the shoulder, traps, and rear delts.
  • Arm day: A day in which your focus is on performing exercises that work the muscles of the biceps and triceps. Not often, but sometimes, this can also be split into two separate training days.

During a bro split style workout, the designated muscle group is taken through multiple rep ranges that promote strength, hypertrophy, and muscular endurance. This can be thought of as low rep main movements, accessory lifts with medium rep range focus, and an optional final burn out exercise.

As a result of the training style, each muscle group is worked directly one time per week. Of course, depending on your exercise selection, you may indirectly target a muscle group multiple times per week.

An example of a bro split style workout is provided in the next section.

5 Day Bro Split Workout Routine

This section shows how one might utilize a bro split during a week. Each training session focuses on one primary muscle group.

Monday: Chest Workout

ExerciseSetsRep Range
Barbell Bench Press3-53-8
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press3-48-12
Decline Machine Press3-48-12
Machine Chest Fly3-412-20
Push Ups2-3Failure

Tuesday: Back Workout

ExerciseSetsRep Range
Barbell Bent Over Row3-53-8
Lat Pull Down3-48-12
Seated Cable Row3-48-12
Hammer Strength Lat Pull Down3-48-12
Machine Pull Over2-315-20

Wednesday: Leg Workout

ExerciseSetsRep Range
Front Squat3-53-8
Romanian Dumbbell Deadlift3-48-12
Leg Press3-48-12
Lying Leg Curl3-48-12

Thursday: Shoulder Workout

ExercisesSetsRep Range
Dumbbell Shoulder Press3-53-8
Lateral Raise3-48-12
Front Raise3-48-12
Bent Over Rear Delt Raise3-48-12
Machine Rear Delt Fly2-315-20

Friday: Arm Workout

ExerciseSetsRep Range
Tricep Dips3-58-12
Tricep Cable Extension3-48-12
Overhead Tricep Extension3-48-12
Dumbbell Curls3-58-12
Incline Dumbbell Curls3-48-12
Preacher Curls3-48-12

Bro Split FAQs

In this section, we will cover some of the most frequently asked questions about bro-splits. If you don’t see your question addressed, please add it to the comments section below. There’s a possibility we may need to add it to this section in future updates.

Do bro splits actually work?

Bro splits can absolutely work for some people. To make the most out of a bro split, you need to have a solid foundation of muscle build through other workout styles first. You also have to be able to commit multiple days per week (often times 5 days) to going to the gym, otherwise you might neglect hitting an entire muscle group during the week.

Bro splits are also mainly used for people with the goal of building lean muscle mass (hypertrophy). If you have other goals, such as optimizing your functional strength or maximizing your overall strength, bro splits might not be best for you.

That said, if you gain a lot of enjoyment out of bro splits and you have the time to complete them each week, and you maintain a level of consistency and progressive overload in your training, you can achieve results with a bro split.

What are the pros and cons to a bro split?

The biggest pro to bro splits is that they are a lot of fun to perform. Due to the nature of the training format, you can establish an excellent “mind-muscle connection” to the body part being worked during that training day. As a result of that and the volume of work the muscle is put through, you can achieve an insane muscle pump during each workout.

Additionally, bro split workouts are easily trackable which makes progressing with weight used easy to quantify and achieve.

The biggest con with a bro split is that the direct training volume is limited to one training session per week. Because of this, if you miss a workout, you might not work the missed muscle group for close to 14 days. That might hinder your goals if it because a habit instead of an exception.

Can I perform a bro split as a beginner?

Bro splits are not the best beginner training style as they require a significant commitment of time each week. The total amount of volume might be way too much for a beginner as well. If too much volume is used at the beginning of a new workout routine, it might lead to significant muscle soreness and potential injury.

Instead, beginners should look to full body workouts to establish a base of muscle tone and strength prior to considering moving to a bro split. Alternatively, upper/lower workout splits might be suitable for some beginners with previous exercise experience.

How many exercises should I perform per bro split workout?

Since you work each muscle group just once per week, it is recommended that each workout consist of 3-6 different exercises with at least 1-2 focused on a compound movement and fundamental movement pattern.

Is training each muscle group once per week enough?

Training a muscle group once per week is better than not training that muscle group at all. So, yes, it is enough.

When it comes to bro splits, muscle groups are worked multiple times per week. They are just worked directly once per week. For instance, when you train back with a pull down or pull up, you indirectly work the muscles of the arms, chest, and shoulders. This is why incorporating compound movements into each workout is key to success when designing a bro split.

Why do bodybuilders use pro splits?

Pro bodybuilders are elite level athletes. As a result, their muscles need a significant amount of volume and time under tension to elicit a growth response. Bro splits provide them with this opportunity while also setting up their week in an easily manageable schedule.

I am natural, can I use a bro split?

Yes, anyone lifter who is advanced enough to handle the volume a bro split and recover can utilize a bro split training schedule.

Plenty of natural lifters have seen great results from bro splits, including myself. They are a lot of fun to perform and have their place during a lifetime duration of training.